fascinating maine coon
He has a liking for the high positions and likes to look at the human world who is getting restless downstairs. It is absolutely essential for a Maine Coon he has a "cat tree" in the hearth of our home, so that he can climb, "make his claws" and especially mark his territory.

Every Main coon is unique even if it seems to be easy to come near to him, you have to know that it is not so easy "to tame" him so quickly. That time will be long a bit but always very rewarding and a day a glance in his eyes will be enough to understand each other.

I can see every day tenderness, indeed love in the eyes of all my cats, but anyway I believe in it.

Maine Coon cattery, Castel del Gat's
Mrs. GODEL FRANCOISE - Phone: +33 6 62 65 98 58 - E-mail : casteldelgat@nordnet.fr
N° SIRET: 498 654 938 00014 - Ape: 012J - N° du CETAC : C- 420 - N° du Certificat de Capacité 34 - CC - 287